Erectile Dysfunction Fact Sheet

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. This condition affects one in two adult males to various degrees. The advent of Viagra® (sildenafil), Levitra®, and Cialis (tadalafil) has helped many men restore sexual performance. For many others, the high hope in such oral medications has quickly been deflated considering certain side-effects or lack of efficacy. For these men, to re­ confront these problems becomes more challenging than the first time. The above-referenced medications are not for everybody and are not without risks. It is estimated that between 30-70% of men do not respond to these drugs, depending on their age and underlying health problems, and at least 15% suffer from undesirable side- effects. 

Signs of ED

  • Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection at least once in every four times of attempting sexual intercourse, and the problem persists for more than one month.

  • Sexual erection becomes weaker or less firm.

  • Achieving an erection takes longer than usual or becomes more difficult in certain positions.

  • Maintaining an erection becomes a conscious effort or becomes more difficult.

  • Morning erections become less frequent and less rigid.

  • Climaxing becomes more rapid or occurs with an incomplete erection. 

   How Common Is ED?

  • 52% of all men between the ages of 40 and 70 have some degree of ED. (Classified as mild, moderate, or severe).       i

  • At least one (l) in ten (10) men cannot get an erection at all (Severe ED).

  • The majority of cases of ED are physical in nature.

  • There is a strong association between age and ED; the prevalence of ED increases with age. 39% of men at 40 and 67% of men at 70 are affected.

What Causes ED?

There are psychological and physical causes of ED.

Psychological ED 

Contrary to popular belief, only about 10% of cases of ED are psychological in nature, which are mostly the result 6f nervousness, lack of confidence, or performance anxiety. Psychological ED can be self­ perpetuating; each failure increases the associated anxiety levels and frequently leads to continual failure and, eventually physical ED. Other psychological causes include stress, guilt, sexual boredom, depression etc.

Physical ED

It is now known that 90 % of cases of ED are caused or contributed by physical factors, most of which are related to impaired circulation, a condition generally referred to as "vascular insufficiency." The penis requires a healthy blood flow to be completely erect. A marginally reduced blood flow can cause significant difficulties. Therefore, the risk factors for ED are primarily vascular risk factors. These include diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiac diseases, and smoking.

Should ED Be Treated?

Like any medical problem, ED should be treated promptly. The sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome, for the following reasons:

  1.  The underlying problem needs to be identified and corrected to prevent further damage

  2. Lack of treatment may cause progressive loss of normal healthy tissue and progressive loss' of erectile function, A mild ED problem can progress and become severe and irreversible over time. This condition is called "disuse atrophy" and should be avoided.

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